Salt and Light

Attraction to Distractions
What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Do you thank God? Praise Jesus? Or do you check facebook, email, or other things? As humans, we are attracted to distractions, and these distractions are things that cause us to take our attention away from God. We tend to focus too much on ourselves and what surrounds us. Peter walked on water only to be distracted and sink. In our lives, we are distracted by love, lust, entertainment, things, school, work, and even in serving God. Yes,serving God can be a distraction if in our desire to serve Him, we obsess with the details or the how we're going to do one thing or another, instead of focusing on why we are doing it. God is always attentive to his own. Shouldn't we be attentive to Him and the commission He has given us? Let us take a moment and pray for spiritual strength so that we may overcome our attraction to distractions.
  Luke 10:40